While account-based marketing as a valuable sales tool is growing in leaps and bounds, the accompanying blogosphere is blowing up as well. We’ve all come across some amazingly helpful B2B marketing and sales blogs in our online journey - it’s how most of us stay up-to-date and on trend. More and more of these blogs are recognizing the power of account-based marketing, featuring dozens of posts dedicated to ABM.
Jam-packed with useful information, easily scannable, and written with actionable tips and tricks in mind, these are the top 5 ABM blogs you should be reading right now:

Created by Craig Rosenber, a well-known B2B marketing and sales leader, Funnelholic sheds light on account-based marketing for every business ranging from startups to enterprises. Filled with strategies on boosting revenue, Funnelholic helps sales and marketing teams to align their efforts and set realistic goals.
There’s an enormous focus on exploring technologies that drive account-based marketing, and no shortage of insights on sales development. This is where you’ll find tons of information on predictive and prescriptive analytics, and how they can help you execute account-based marketing at scale.

Chief MarTec
Chief Martec is where B2B marketers find the latest news on innovations in the MarTech industry. Scot Brinker, editor and founder of the blog, is quoted as saying, “Marketing has become a technology-powered discipline and therefore marketing organizations must infuse technical capabilities into their DNA.”
Account-based marketing leverages the best practices for marketing by using technology to execute all-important communication tasks at scale. All the content found on Chief MarTec provides insights into the technology-related side of ABM, helping readers to improve their marketing efforts in leaps and bounds.

Centered around customer-centric business management, CustomerThink is ideal for account-based marketing enthusiasts who know that you always put your clients first. One of the main aims of ABM is transforming regular customers into advocates.
All of Customer Think’s articles, columns, and interviews are written by industry experts from around the globe. There’s an enormous wealth of information - and a whole host of different perspectives - that provide more than enough food for thought. The blog’s creator, Bob Thompson, handpicks posts from only the best writers for the exceedingly popular “Think Tank” category.

ClickZ is a fantastic source of information for account-based marketing enthusiasts from every corner of the globe. Home to the latest and greatest in digital marketing news, Clickz includes several categories of information related to email, media, social, analytics, videos, stats and tools.
The blog covers news from the UK, North America, Asia, and several other global marketing hotspots. This is also where readers can find extremely impactful account-based marketing content from the other of Marketing Automation For Dummies, Matthew Sweezey.

Business2Community is more a content aggregator than it is a blog. This is a major go-to source for marketing and sales professionals who want to make sure they keep a finger on the pulse of what’s hot and happening in their industry. The platform sources original content on account-based marketing from a variety of B2B marketing and sales companies. At the same time, a thriving community of bloggers and editors contribute posts on the top trends in social media, content marketing, digital innovation, and more.
If you want to polish up on your ABM knowledge and improve your sales and marketing efforts, these 5 blogs are a great starting point. You’ll find everything you need to know to help you broaden your horizons and make an impact with your customers.