FAQ Cookies
Regarding cookies and information stored through the Leadenhancer Services
Name of the Cookie
Cookie is stored under the domain where the tracking script resides. E.g. if a Leadenhancer customer xyz has installed the Leadenhancer tracking script on their website (www.xyz.com) the domain under which the cookie is stored will be www.xyz.com
The purpose of this cookie is to to identify if a Visitor is coming back within a year.
What kind of data is stored in the cookie
A unique hashed string of the browser the Visitor is using.
Person identifiable
A person is not identifiable and IP address collected are from Organisations and used only for lookup in our database of Company IPs
Are data stored in EU?
The cookie is stored in the browser and data collected is stored in EU.
Is data shared with third parties?
1 year
Name of the Cookie
Cookie is stored under the domain where the tracking script resides. E.g. if a Leadenhancer customer xyz has installed the Leadenhancer tracking script on their website (www.xyz.com) the domain under which the cookie is stored will be www.xyz.com
The purpose of this cookie is to to identify if a Visitor is unique
What kind of data is stored in the cookie
A unique hashed string of the browser the Visitor is using.
Person identifiable
A person is not identifiable and IP address collected are from Organisations and used only for lookup in our database of Company IPs
Are data stored in EU?
The cookie is stored in the browser and data collected is stored in EU.
Is data shared with third parties?
2 years
Name of the Cookie
Cookie is stored under the domain where the tracking script resides. E.g. if a Leadenhancer customer xyz has installed the Leadenhancer tracking script on their website (www.xyz.com) the domain under which the cookie is stored will be www.xyz.com
The page from which a Visitor have come to the web site. A Visit is decorated with this information and can be used to identify which websites generates the most traffic.
What kind of data is stored in the cookie
A url (encoded) of the page from which the Visitor came, e.g. https://www.google.com
Person identifiable
A person is not identifiable and IP address collected are from Organisations and used only for lookup in our database of Company IPs
Are data stored in EU?
The cookie is stored in the browser and data collected is stored in EU.
Is data shared with third parties?
6 months
Name of the Cookie
Cookie is stored under the domain where the tracking script resides. E.g. if a Leadenhancer customer xyz has installed the Leadenhancer tracking script on their website (www.xyz.com) the domain under which the cookie is stored will be www.xyz.com
Cookie are responsible for keeping the session active for 30 minutes after last tracked action, when they expire the visit is considered as ended,
What kind of data is stored in the cookie
No data stored only uses to keep track if the session is expired or not
Person identifiable
A person is not identifiable and IP address collected are from Organisations and used only for lookup in our database of Company IPs
Are data stored in EU?
The cookie is stored in the browser and data collected is stored in EU.
Is data shared with third parties?
6 months