
Oct 25, 20192 min

Unmasking Anonymous Visitors on Your Website

98% of website visitors are anonymous.

Or at least that’s what most people are led to believe.

They’ve come to your site, and you don’t know who they are. Does that make them truly anonymous or are they hiding in plain sight?

They arrived as a result of long hours and countless dollars of marketing devoted to various, successful, lead generation tactics. You’ve worked yourself to the bone, getting your content up to scratch. Your blog is bringing in traffic, your social media is active, your overall interaction rate is high. But where are the conversions?

You’re well-versed in SEO and SEM. That much is clear. You’ve funneled people to your site. Except you don’t know who they are, and that’s not helping much at all.

Not all 98% of those hard-won visitors are prospects. Never-the-less, a large percentage of them are bonafide buyers at the beginning, middle, or end of their purchase process.

What if you could “Unmask” them?

That’s the premise behind unmasking anonymous visitors in real-time and the possibility to do real-time personalisation (RTP).

RTP allows marketers to track which organisation your site visitors belong to. Together with behavioural data, you can discover who your anonymous visitors are. Then you can engage and convert them into prospects the moment they arrive on your site. This makes RTP a valuable tool.

How Does RTP Work?

RTP can identify the visitor’s company name based on analysing the visitor’s IP address. That IP address, along with other technological markers, allows you to track the visitor’s behaviour throughout your site.

RTP can determine that a visitor is from an Insurance company (let’s say it’s called Insurance Services Ltd) located in Amsterdam, Holland. RTP software will then automatically serve up the most relevant content from your site, based on one or more of those characteristics.

This is seriously powerful stuff.

With RTP in action, your visitor can’t help but feel you speak their language, which will undoubtedly lead to a better impression and a higher likelihood of engagement. Real-Time Personalisation solutions can respond in less than 30 milliseconds, creating what seems like a magically customised experience to the visitor.

Is It REALLY Possible to Unmask a Visitor?

Unmasking the visitor would mean you now know who they are.

RTP can’t tell you that. It can’t give you the name of the person. The visitor will still need to complete a web form if you want to know who they are.

In essence, RTP is a great fall-back solution to the best-case scenario, which is a completed web form.

So Does it Work?

An overwhelming majority of people (90%) who land on a web form page will abandon the page without filling out the form (they will remain anonymous).

From customer cases, we do believe that RTP will increase the chance that your visitor will complete a form, and that is indeed a very good thing.

Customers have decreased their bounce rate by 200% by personalising their websites towards company demographics.

In short, yes, it works. And it can work for you too.
